Ocean Whitaker estimated Net Worth, Age, Affairs, Height, Dating, Relationship Stats, Salary as well as short Biography with top 10 popular facts!

Ocean Whitaker was born on the 25th of November, 1990 in San Francisco in the state of California, United States. He is an American media personality & son of well-known actor, producer & director, Mr. Forest Whitaker.

Although his father and some of his relatives are very much involved in the movie industry, he seems to show no interest in Hollywood that much. Yes, he supports his relatives and his father but he is not into the whole acting thing.

10 Facts on Ocean Whitaker

  1. Ocean Whitaker was born in the 25th of November in the year 1990, in San Francisco, California, USA.
  2. We do not have the information about his mother but his father is the great, Forest Whitaker who is a well-known actor, producer, and director.
  3. Ocean does not seem to have any page related to him on the Wikipedia website at the moment. But he might have one in the future.
  4. As we know his date of birth, he is currently 29 years old and has very good health.
  5. He has 3 siblings. They are True Whitaker, Sonnet Noel Whitaker, and Autumn Whitaker.
  6. Ocean does not seem to be active on any social media platform. We could not find any accounts in Instagram or twitter related to him.
  7. He has an account in Facebook, but there seems to be passive activity on the account. It could be safe to guess that he is not a social media guy.
  8. He is a tall dude with a height of 6feet and 2 inches. His height is, with no questions, the produce of his family genes.
  9. Ocean seems to keep himself very fit. His weight is about 82 kg. It shows that he is quite a health-conscious man which is very good.
  10. Through his Facebook account we could see that he is an active supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Facts of Ocean Whitaker

Name Ocean Whitaker
Birthday November 25
Age 29 Years Old
Gender Male
Height 6’2
Weight 82 Kg
Nationality American
Ethnicity Black
Parents Forest Whitaker