Tomeka Thiam

Tomeka Thiam’s net worth, biography, age, height, dating and relationship history, salary, income, cars, and lifestyles have all been updated. Let’s have a look at Tomeka Thiam’s net worth in 2020-2021. Scroll down for additional information on Current Net Worth, Monthly/Year Salaries, Expenses, and Income Reports.

What is the net worth of Tomeka Thiam?

Thiam makes a living as a hairstylist, and as of 2021, her net worth is believed to be over $500,000-$1 million. Her husband, on the other hand, is one of the most successful singers in the world today, with an estimated net worth of $80 million. As a result, the pair enjoys a lavish lifestyle, with a combined net worth of $80.5 million.

What is Tomeka Thiam’s professional history?

Akon’s wife, Tomeka Thiam, is an American singer, songwriter, producer, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. She was born in the African country of Senegal. Her age is a mystery.

What is Tomeka Thiam’s height?

She stands at a height of 5′ 7″.

Who is Tomeka Thiam’s husband?

She is the owner of a hair salon. Thiam married a singer who had previously been married. Akon has tried to keep his relationship a secret for as long as he can remember. He is, however, the father of six children, which is no secret. His offspring come from a number of different mothers.

Akon, on the other hand, has known Tomeka for 24 years. This relationship was only recently exposed by Akon. He and Tomeka have two children as a result of their relationship.

Children, marriage, and extramarital affairs

Thiam and Akon are lawfully married and have two children. Ali is the name of their 22-year-old son, and Alianna is the name of their 11-year-old daughter.

Akon’s Previous Relationships And Children

Her husband has previously been married to many women, according to insiders, but has not divulged their identities. Tomeka, too, desires to keep her personal life private. His other children are Muhammad, Jhavor, Tyler, and Armah.

Akon’s family

Abou Thiam, Akon’s brother, is also a musician. Mor Thiam, a musician, and Kine Gueye Thiam are his parents.

Tomeka Thiam’s Social Media Presence

Tomeka is also an active user of social media, notably Instagram. She has approximately 4000 followers on Instagram, where she is active. Thiam looks to be a big supporter of women’s empowerment and equal rights. She constantly promotes her own YouTube account and posts recordings of her daughter singing. Her daughter looks to have a musical interest as well.

Quick Facts about Tomeka Thiam

Full Name: Tomeka Thiam
Age: N/A
Birthday: N/A
Nationality: N/A
Horoscope: N/A
Husband: Akon
Net Worth: $500,000 and $1 million
Profession: Unknown
Sibling: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Mother: Unknown